Black Lives Matter!
A person being killed just because of their skin colour doesn't justify anything. On may 25th George Floyd was arrested for writing a forged 20$ bill check at a grocery story in Minneapolis (which is not even true).
George Floyd was an African-american man , who died during a police arrest. Derek Chauvin, a white police officer, pressed his knee on George's neck for nine whole minutes, handcuffed face down on then street. He kept saying "I cant breathe", there were other four officers who just watched him die.
I stand with the people demanding justice for George Floyd, and the countless individuals within the Black community who have suffered for far too long. Police brutality has been continued for a long time. Derek Chauvin is a murderer and his colleagues who watched George die without helping him, are witnesses of the murder.
People have been asking questions, Why all of a sudden there are so many protest?, the answer to this question is, that people are tired of watching their brothers and sisters get murdered on the street. People had enough of the silence, they have decided that it was a time for a change.
Over the years we had a lot of protest, but 2020 protest has never been seen in history. All 50 states in america, and a lot of other countries have been standing up for black lives.
When I watched the movie ' The Hate U give' it made cry. I am not black, but i am a Muslim and our Prophet (peace be upon him) told us that we should be friends with everyone, and that skin colour does not give superiority over anyone. God made us all equal.
I stand with Black community, I have signed the petitions, educated myself and the people around me. It is our job to bring change to this world, this world is imperfect but if we can work together and join as one, we can make it perfect!
George Floyd
Trayvon Martin
Breonna Taylor
Ahmaud Arbery
Tamir Rice
Oscar Grant
Eric Garner
Philando Castile
Samuel Dubose
Sandra Bland
Walter Scott
Terrence Crutcher
Tony Mcdade
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